December 16, 2013


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After watching the video, continue your study of Mary this week here. I have broken the study up into short segments or moments so you can do a little at a time. You can work from this email, or you can print a copy by clicking here.

Wonder-FILLED Moment 1 - Mary's Surprise
So do you have your cup of tea, a Christmas cookie, Bible, and pen? Is there a warm fire in the fireplace, and is your tree on? If so, let's begin ...

Read Luke 1:26-38.

Describe what happened in your own words. (Think of the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions in these verses.)

What types of questions did Mary ask the angel, Gabriel, after he gave her the news that she was to bear a son from God?

When something or someone takes you by surprise, what types of questions do you ask (either out loud or to yourself)?

What is your response to things that take you by surprise, startle, or scare you?

What was Mary's response to this Good News?

Back up to verses 36-37. What words of encouragement does Gabriel give Mary?

Isn't that just like God? In the midst of shocking news, life-changing news, God encourages Mary by reminding her of who she's dealing with - an Almighty, All-powerful, Awesome God! When Gabriel says, "for nothing will be impossible with God," and tells her Elizabeth's news, I would imagine that gave Mary a little extra strength and hope as she accepted this Gabriel's message.

How have you seen God encourage or remind you in the midst of unexpected news?

What has your response been in the past to such encouragement? What will it be in the future?

Wonder-FILLED Moment 2 - Now Mary Must Tell Joseph

Turn to Matthew 1:18-25 and read this account.

Again, God provided assurance. This time it was through a dream. Joseph believed and supported Mary through this time. Did you notice that? Joseph believed! He took God at His Word and trusted Him. Even though it meant he would be talked about and judged, he chose to move forward in belief.

Pause for a moment and pray. Praise God for His holiness, power, grace, and faithfulness. Thank Him for His provisions, His loving care, and mercy. Ask Him to help you take Him at His Word without question. Ask Him to fill you with wonder today as you remember who He is. Write your prayer here or in a prayer journal.

Wonder-FILLED Moment 3 - Rejoicing at Elizabeth's House

Read Luke 1:39-45.

If I had to describe this setting with one word, that word would be JOY! Elizabeth was filled with joy, the baby John in her womb leapt with joy, and Mary was filled with joy. Look at her response. Continue reading Luke 1:46-56.

Mary rejoices in God her Savior. Look at the descriptive language she uses in this canticle of praise.

Her soul magnifies the Lord
Her spirit rejoices in God
Why ...
He is mighty
He has done great things
Holy is His name
His mercy is for those who fear His name
He has shown strength
He has scattered the proud
He has brought down the mighty
He has exalted the humble
He has filled the hungry
He has helped His servant Israel
He remembered what He spoke to His servant Abraham and is fulfilling His promise

This hymn of adoration is a wonderful template for us to draw from as we offer praise to God. Mary was, indeed, wonder-filled and she proclaimed her wonder with shouts of praise! I can just imagine her twirling around in Elizabeth's garden singing this song to the Lord.

When have you offered a song of praise like this to God? Will you do it now? Find a place and dance before the Lord with shouts of praise. Jesus is born! Jesus redeemed us through His blood! Jesus lives! Jesus makes intercession between us and the Father! Jesus is King! Jesus reigns! Praise His name!
 Merry Christmas, my friend ...  

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    Wonder Tree
    You can write things that fill you with wonder on these blank printable paper ornaments to help you capture the wonder all year.Click here to download and print. 

Jacqueline is the Director of Women's Ministry, Prayer & Resource Specialist at Warren Baptist Church. Visit her blog for more encouragement.